Remote Judge
Description: Interview teams remotely using web conferencing software. Evaluate and rank interview responses using web-based tools. Deliberate on award winners.
Experience and Skills Needed
• Attention to detail • Impartiality • Effective communications • Good time management skills • Robotics judging experience preferred
Commitment & Time Frame: Judging will be conducted in 3-hour shifts. Judges may volunteer for as many shifts as they are able. Short breaks will be provided. Judges are expected to be available for the entire shift on the day they register for.
Report To: Please log in to your scheduled web conferencing environment 15 minutes prior to your scheduled shift.
Mandatory Training Before Event: A brief online training will be sent to judges well in advance of their first scheduled shift.
Dress Code: Business casual clothing that is appropriate for a student audience. Judges will be expected to be on-camera during the entire interview process.